Friday, January 22, 2010

Tgirl Advice Young Tgirl Wants To Come Out After High School. Can Someone Give Me College Advice With This In Mind?

Young tgirl wants to come out after high school. Can someone give me college advice with this in mind? - tgirl advice

The question of more or less says it all here. I am 17 years old and my family support me in my transition (if they are willing to pay for my studies - the hope that "this is just a phase"). I would like is get a good education, but for me the transition, therefore, a priority. Has anyone been there, especially during the period of study could give give me some advice?

The farther away from Missouri, the better.


  1. You may want to check out "The Advocate College Guide" - I have compiled a list and information about the LGBT-friendly than 100 schools across the country. You can see "The Gay and Lesbian Guide to College Life" in the Princeton Review.

    Campus Climate Index is online and contains information on specific schools:

  2. I know what happened. I left school and never regretted it.

    The best way to ensure the transition is to be yourself! At school, nobody knows you and is the ideal place to live your life, how they are intended. There are tons of gay-friendly organizations in the university (after school) they visit. I am at George Mason University in Virginia, near Washington DC is considered one of the 100 Camus gay friendly in the nation!

    But starting anyway, only natural, and friends and all work out. You'll see!

  3. Ask for the universities? If so, is Oberlin College in Ohio, a very progressive small liberal arts schools. Definitely recommend it. A little hard to grasp, but, I think.

  4. I am also 17 years (almost a butterfly is from 17) and I am a FTM and instant messaging in the same boat as you. So please, if you have any information that I get to fill? Sorry I did not help its just nice to see that other people like you, from time to time, and good luck to you and
